Saturday, 18 April 2009


soulful sepulcher said...

great photos, they look like they are having a lot of dog fun!

Herrad said...

Hi Stephany ,

They have just come back from todays park visit and they are charging round me happily..



Anonymous said...

LOL, look at those tongue shots! It always amazes me how the dog's tongues can expand so long when they're sweating!

Lucy said...

Great pictures, I have been out of comission with my internet service and as I understand it I am not alone. Just did not want to miss out on to many pictures and say Hi. Lucy

Herrad said...

Hi Lucy,
Great to see you dropped by.
Have a good day.

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,
It is amazing how long their tongues get.

Lucy said...

Hi Herrad, I am totally worn out after having company yesterday but just wanted to drop in and look at the pictures of the furry 4 legged kids. Spunky was all wound up with my 3 and a haLF YEAR OLD GRANDSON FROM TEXAS, yesterday and he was one lively kid. Lucy

Herrad said...

Hi Lucy,

Glad you had a good visit yesterday.
Have a good day today.