Friday, 1 May 2009


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, that reminds me of when my guys were younger! Now they're just couch potatoes!

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

They are very sweet dogs.
How old are they?


Anonymous said...

Winston was 14 on April 1st and Spencer will be 14 on August 26th!! I've had both of them since they were pups...they're in very good health I'm happy to report! I'm sure we still have a few more good years together. Winston has another follow up next week. They discovered advanced kidney failure last summer, he'd been responding quite well to meds though. But in Feb, they found an irregular heartbeat. If you ask me, he's just Winston! I know we'll have good news!

Lucy said...

That dog is talking to you big time. That is so cool. Lucy

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

Would not have thought they were as old as 14 they look and sound younger.

Hi Lucy,

Spike talks all day long the sweet thing!



Anonymous said...

I love our doggie discussions, not just between the two of us Herrad, but Lucy too. I just wanted to mention that there was a woman who lived down the street from me when I lived in Montreal and she had a really old brown lab. He was adorable but a little senile. When she walked him, he'd just yackity yack the whole time. Barking at nothing and everything. It wasn't a big bark, just a kind of "rhumf rhumf" - just to let you know he was thinking out loud. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

How cute the talking labbie.

Love our chats.
