Thursday, 28 May 2009


Anonymous said...

LOL, so cute! Is that a tennis ball? Spencer used to go nuts for the tennis ball!

JC said...

Your pups are so cute !!!

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

Spike and Marleen love ball games especially tennis balls.

Hi JC,

Thanks we think they are dreadfully cute too.


Lucy said...

Those dogs look like they are in the height of their glory. Spunky is resting easy since his bath.

Herrad said...

Hi Lucy,

The dogs were having the time of their lives.



Lucy said...

Just wondering if you have ticks to deal with. We have to treat our dogs with flea and tick preventative and give him a heartworm pill once a month. So far since giving him the flea and tick stuff we have only found one tick on him. still itchy but better. The heat makes it flare up. Lucy

Herrad said...

Hi Lucy,

Richie checks the dogs whenever they have been out.

He very rarely finds any ticks, the dogs get rubbed down with anti flea stuff.

Better than the sprays which used to gas us all.


Anonymous said...

Lucy you made me think now I should find out if I have to worry about ticks on PEI. We don't have that problem here in Quebec, but I also give them Revolution once a month, it's the one where you spread the liquid on the back of their "neck" - for fleas and heartworm.

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

Great names these products, we use one now called Frontline and did use one called Vanguard (spread on back of neck).


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, it's true, I never thought about the names Herrad! I used to use Frontline too...there are so many of them. And in my opinion they are WAY too expensive!

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

Way too exspensive and only work for awhile and then you have to switch.


Anonymous said...

Oh really? That's something I didn't know, about having to switch them! I guess it's not too much of an issue for me because they only get the dose during the late spring-summer-early fall fleas or skeeters during the Canadian winters!

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

You only have to switch if it is no longer effective otherwise no problems.
