Saturday, 30 May 2009

Ted and Lewis in their 2nd week at their new home.


Lucy said...

I am so glad they got a home. Looks like they have adapted well. Lucy

Herrad said...

Hi Lucy,

Ted the one behind the curtain is abit shy but lpoves a game and loves to sit next to my friend having his head rubbed.

Think they are fitting in well.
Have a good weekend.


JC said...

They look so happy ... well, as happy as a cat can be.

Herrad said...

Hi JC,

They are getting very happy.


Anonymous said...

Look at that little one all STRRRRRETCHED out! Ha ha. So cute. You know, that photo of (I don't know which one is which) sitting completely entranced on the table...that is quite an amazing shot. You know I'm all into the "reflection" that photo shows a cat reflecting. It really moved me!

Herrad said...

Hi Rain,

That's Lewis who is stretched out and Ted is behind the curtain looking worried.

Toys are getting Ted out of his shell.

Give them abit more time and its their appartment.


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh because basically this is pug territory, not human, ha ha!

dellgirl said...

Awwww, this is so cute, so adorable.The photos look great. That pose on the sofa is priceless. They do have a way of stealing the show, don't they?